American Cultures and Global Contexts Center


Study with us.


The American Cultures & Global Contexts (ACGC) specialization offers students an opportunity to study authors and topics drawn from a broad historical range. We also encourage students to develop a comparative understanding of the field.

In practice, this includes exploring how different aspects of American culture interact and interrogating the ways regional, hemispheric and global trends shape—and are shaped by— American cultural expressions. Students are encouraged to consult with ACGCC-affiliated faculty for advice in selecting their courses.


Students who complete any four (4) upper-division elective courses devoted to American culture will satisfy the specialization requirement. Please note that one lower-division elective is allowed.

Please note that the upper-division American literature courses that satisfy requirements for the English major—English 103A and English 104A—will not count towards the specialization, although these courses are recommended.

A senior seminar, English 197, in American Cultures & Global Contexts is advisable but not mandatory.

You  can consult current available courses that count towards the specialization here

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